
Spirituality = your true nature

Spirituality is natural, is naturalness.

Society tries to make us "normal", to mold us, to make us function.

If you've lost your naturalness, maybe it's time to rediscover it.

I had lost my naturalness too. How did I notice that?

For example,

I became so ill that conventional medicine could no longer help me.

I had conflicts in the company where I felt like I wasn't right anymore.

I had conflicts in the family where I noticed that my path looks different from theirs.

Many friendships and relationships have automatically changed, removed, or ended.

I'm not saying it has to happen to you too. I would also wish you to feel it beforehand and be able to act accordingly. I was not able to do it (alone).

Yes, I could feel it, but my ego was so strong to stay (successfully) in the old world, i.e. to hold on with all my strength that I couldn't get out of my old habits. I lacked the courage, the perspective, the confidence in the new.

So I had to to learn, step by step, to feel myself more, to give space to new feelings, to calm down more, to come to myself more and more.

And from "I have to" at the very beginning due to this "survival mode", it has become the most fascination adventure of my whole life.

"strength is born out of calmness"

This means: only when the mind (no thoughts) and the emotional body (no emotions) calms down, a new space become available for feelings that come from the depths, from the source. Feelings, which correspond to my true nature.

I had noticed that I had subordinated my whole life to success, career, image, money, etc.

Has it fulfilled me? No.

Did it make me happy? No.

Did I enjoy it? No.

At least not in the end.

When I felt this new, natural feelings, I was able to make new choices, such as putting joy at the top of my priority list instead of career. But, what makes me happy and joyful? I had no idea because I had never learned (or unlearned / forgot) how to do that. Of course, I knew a lot that I had superficially and briefly fun with it, but didn't really give this deep, fulfilling joy. I had to allow myself to start from scratch and begin to remember (my self) again.

It took me more than 3 years until I recognized the first "things" that really bring me joy: dancing, spirituality, nature are 3 examples. I was also allowed to work patiently on myself for this, giving myself space and time for it, feeling and recognizing my self more and more.

The strenght is to be found in serenity. And so much more aspects too. Love, peace, patience, ...

Only when you are calm you are able to perceive yourself, connect, listen to your inner voice, you can perceive deep feelings that would otherwise have been drowned out by the noise of thoughts and emotions.

meaning of life

In this time of vacuum (old things gone or no longer fulfilling, but new things not yet there) I was looking for the meaning of life.

A lot of things hadn't made much sense at this time, which had led to much suffering and pain.

Yes, "true spirituality is not for free", as a friend of mine used to say.

You always have to let go, go deeper, open yourself to new things, break new ground.

Only over time, step by step, I have got to know and recognize myself. And - of course - I'm not at the end of my path yet. But what I noticed so far is, that the more authentically I live, the more sense everything I do makes. Why? Because it corresponds to me, my true nature.

I have realized that if I live a wrong life, of course it must be meaningless.

Because it does not correspond to my needs and desires, cannot bring me any joy and therefore cannot fulfill me. Simply useless.

In contrast, an authentic life is very fulfilling and full of meaning.

being playful and light

"Become like the children".

Childlike, fearless, full of research spirit and joy of discovery.

I often had managed to do this with alcohol only. To switch off, to relax, to laugh, to have fun or to allow myself having it.

Or excessive sport, like running 40 km every week, to clear my head.

Otherwise I was rather rigid, hard, stubborn, dogged, punchy, ... etc. Not exactly how you would like to treat a good friend or your beloved child.

I mistook that for false discipline, consistency and consistency. Learned and trained for years.

And it took me a long time to realize that I can also approach these qualities with gentleness, softness, tenderness, loving, devotion, and joy. I still have a lot to learn here too, and I still can't keep my ease in challenging times. But it's going better and more in that direction. And I realize how pleasant that is.

Dancing was also a great teacher here, where I was able to see that nothing works better with pressure, quite the opposite.

Creativity and finding solutions

All companies want to be innovative or even innovation leaders. To brainstorm in think tanks till "the beams are bending" is pretty cool and state of the art. And outside the think tank? Yes, just work well and implement without contradiction. Like a sheep in the flock, which is guided and should work productively and loyally.

But actually everyone wants to exploit the potential. The companies to be successful. The people to be happy and fulfilled.

Then why this oppression, keeping everbody small?

It's about control. So that nothing goes wrong and everything stays on track.

Until the employees collapse: burnout, boreout, fluctuation, illness, low performance, ...

And then everyone wonders how it could have come to this.

Nobody is resilient if they don't have a sense for their work.

There is no happiness if the activity does not lighten their heart.

No one is happy by just obtusely following instructions.

Creativity comes from within. You also have to sense and feel your self for making this happen. Get to know your self and listen to the inner voice. In order to hear them, you need peace and calmness and no stress.

Only when you feel comfortable, perceive yourself, have the feeling you are seen, new solutions, new ideas, new perspectives appears that can be (further) developed by yourself or in a team.

That helps people personally and also the company. A WIN WIN situation.


Go into nature. Surround yourself with nature. Be quiet in the nature. Be in nature.

As in the inside, so on the outside. As on the outside, so in the inside.

Use the nature. Nature has an natural effect on you, reminds you. Nature makes up for what has become disordered.

Use your senses: hug a tree, see the beauty of a flower, smell and taste the air of the forest, hear the birds & wind, enjoy the colors that emerges.

If you are looking for (your) naturalness, then it is advisable to be in nature and to perceive it.

To take time for it and thus for yourself, your own true nature.

it's all about connection

The concept of "it's all about connection" can be applied not only to dancing, but to any situation or area of life.

The motto "combining the most fascinating with the most beautiful" can be understood to mean that the most fascinating thing is always getting to know yourself. And the most beautiful thing is something different for everyone. For some it's dancing, for others it's cooking.

My heart doesn't burn for cooking, so I will not be teaching spirituality in context of cooking. But that doesn't mean that the same doesn't apply to cooking. It just doesn't suit me (maybe yet).

But: In cooking you will feel more the vegetables, herbs, and so on. You will generate a completely another sense for this alchemy of creating something new out of these ingredients. It’s like magic and not just cooking any more.

Every activity becomes more fulfilled the more you feel yourself.

The more you feel yourself, the closer you get to those activities that fulfill you.

The circle closes.

This is how you can transfer and apply these universal laws to all situations in life:

Hobby: The more you feel yourself, the more you feel your dance partner.

Relationship: The more you know yourself, the more open you are open to a true relationship.

Work: The more you sense yourself, the more you can contribute with your creativity.


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